Media Samples in Music Database

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Displaying 10 matching entries out of 772 in the database.

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Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

They're raping me! They're raping me! They're raping all of us! Oh, it hurts! They're raping us and it hurts!

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

You're a fuckin' ugly bitch, I wanna stab you to death and play around with your blood

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

Are you not entertained? Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

I enjoy destroying lives.

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

The forecast calls for destruction tonight, death tomorrow, and Armageddon by the weekend - this could be the end of life, as we know it

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

"We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery."

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

"You see man as a rather dismal creature.”
"Yes, why not? Look around, you'll see what's there. Fear and frightened people who kill what they can't understand."

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

"Dead or alive, you're coming with me!"

Movie poster

Album artwork by on () uses sample from Movie poster (, ):

When you're pushed, killing's as easy as breathing.